Academic background:
Md YEAR HOSSAIN has completed SSC and HSC from Science division. Then he completed his honor's in Economics from Titumir College, Dhaka and master's in Economics from National University, under the University of Dhaka.
Professional Degree:
Alongwith the academic degree, he also earned his Bachelor of Education (B.Ed & M.Ed) from the IER (Institute of Education and Reseacrh), University of Dhaka.
Post and Designation:
Year Hossain has been serving as an Assistant Vice Principal, Academic ((AVP Academic) of Intelligentsia School and College. Alongwith the classes, he also do his managerial duties with Vice Principal and Vice Principal Academic of ISC.
Past expriences:
Year sir has a very long journey of teaching that started as a tutor in his student life. He joined as a class teacher of maths throughout his teaching career life. He fisrt joined as a assistnat teacher, math in Azifa Khatun High School in January 2015 where he served till December 2017. He also served as a lecturer, economics in Farid Uddin Sarkar Degree College, and as a founder principal of Chapitala Ideal School.
Skills and Expertise:
Throughtout his career in teaching in primary and secondary education, he has gained a lot of experiences. Due to his acquisition of post in different educational institute, he is also very expert in dealing with the students, guardians and his fellow colleagues.
Symbol of Morality:
Year sir is a man of principles and is symbol of righteousness. His ambition is to reshape his students as one of the best innovative and best citizen of the country.
Future plan with education:
he wants to persue his PhD in Education. His one and only aspire is to be a teacher and serve the nation through education.
His future Plan with ISC (Intelligentsia School and College):
Year sir has been worinking in ISC as a senior teacher of Math department. he has also been entrusted with the AVP, academic (Assistant Vice Principal Academic). His future plan is to make ISC as one of the best educational instutite in the region.
Year sir is available in the ISC Bhaban during the regular office hours from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm from Saturday through Thursday. Besides, he is also accessible to via the following email or mobile no.
Official communication
Official Mobile no: +8801322-854 655
official email id:
Personal Communication:
Personal mobile no: +8801921584604
Personal email id: